Holistic Health Coaching



Health and Wellness coaching

Online coaching in nutrition, exercise and recovery.

Tailor-made coaching for people who want to live healthier lives and work towards wellness.

Holistic Health Coaching

I’m Richard Lam, a Health and Wellness Coach focused on Nutrition, Exercise and Recovery. I’m a certified Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer.

I help people discover and attain their definition of Health and Wellness in a trusting, positive environment.

I advocate a two-pronged approach: help you gain insights that change your mindset and perspective on yourself and health and implement simple and effective life-changing habits.

Ways I can help change your lifestyle

Gain life-changing insights and habits

Provide a supportive and growth-encouraging environment

Learn to treat body and mind with care and purpose

Develop a self-reliant mindset

Learn to eat to improve: health, energy, performance and body

Recognize hunger and fullness cues

Understand spectrum of healthy and less-healthy foods

Find the right type and intensity of exercise

Gain relationship with body and sports

Increase flexibility and strength in joints

Improve sleep habits

Learn about body and mind recovery methods

Regain balance in body and mind

Problems of the modern world
Poor food, chronic stress and a sedentary lifestyle are staples of the modern world. These three are responsible for a great deal of unhappiness and illness. The solutions itself are not complex, but the journey towards it can be a frustrating process of trial and error.

Back to basics
Following simple guidelines consistently and long term is sufficient. This also provides a form of preventative care against disease and injury. 

Take action
For those who are ready to take responsibility for their own health, a coach can lend a willing hand. A coach’s job is to explore the concept of health together, motivate you and help you find your steps towards your goal.

“I was going through a hard time: I had a burn-out and had little motivation for life. Taking a coach was a huge step for me, but it was made easier because Richard is easy going, provides great follow-ups and only set goals that I felt comfortable with. He is very well spoken and takes your situation into account in a judgmental-free manner. After only 3 months, I felt a big change: I feel the urge to explore life again and create healthy habits. I’m still continuing my journey together with Richard and can’t wait what the future will bring.”

– Yorick, Holistic Health Coaching client